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Inner Journey

September 11th, 2017

I went inside my cells
and found the strand
of the first woman
who created my mother
my grandmother
and all the women
who came before me
She who was created in
her perfection
who knew nothing
of this dangerous
wild world we now
call home
She who had
the love
the skills
the courage and
the ability to bring
forth all these generations
She had no idea of where
it would end
her cells multiplying
through generations
and that one day I
would arrive somewhere
in Africa and travel
to all the continents
including perhaps the one
where she first appeared
where she had witnessed
the wonder of creation
her unblemished perfection
unaware of the issues
we would face and
I found the calmness
in her cells and the joy
she found in nature
the happiness and wonder
she had for the world
and in that tiny strand of
her DNA that wove through my cells
I knew I could stand calm
in the raging storm
that is the world.

© Tanya Southey @Ordinary Poetry


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