And so it is
I have been lucky, up until recently,
I have managed to navigate the rips
and miss the tides,that others have felt
far earlier.
No one close to me, had died
No one had been, terribly ill
But soon enough this cycle of life
will catch all of us.
Even the blessed, the charmed,
the brilliant or the silent who
have managed to take cover
in the shadows.
The cathedral to the cycle of life
can never sit empty for too long.
We will all rotate on its benches
infused with years of incense.
Incensed we may be,
the wrath of unfairness,
as we shuffle up a pew
closer to our fate.
The stained glass reflections may
save us from the wind, for a time
but the procession forward will not be
We will bow our heads at the
appropriate stations
and bear what has been delivered.
Deliver us from ourselves
Deliver us from evil.
The bells may haunt the spaciousness of silence
the music may slow down the movement
We may in the mass of life, not notice
the raw implications of our own mortality
but no one will leave this planet
untouched by its beauty, its rawness
or its need to totally consume you
until it starts all over again.
© Tanya Southey
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